So, let’s start on the right foot.
Hello there, I’m Cleo. (Duh!)
Great to see you here.
I’m the founder and “add-a-fancy-title-that-shows-I’m-chief” (CEO, COO, President, Master, you-name-it) of “The Best Way Forward”. The place where entrepreneurs and executives, like you, come to get help creating a digital product to expand their offline business, in record time, while working full time and in full speed on their current projects.
I particularly enjoy working with people who have tried other stuff, that didn’t play out the way they wanted. It makes the challenge, even better!

For starters: I’m all about exploring the other side of the obvious!
I like experimenting with new concepts, finding out how things work, (hell, how life works) and I love nerding-out on business innovation, execution strategy, progressive outreach strategies, AI in learning, and the future of jobs. And when it comes to online businesses, I seek out the stuff nobody talks about.
I’ve worked in the corporate world for more than 20 years and then the start-up world; I’ve been interacting with business from different positions, levels, countries, brands and angles.
Throughout this journey, I’ve repeatedly experimented with ways to work things out, processes to run projects, approaches to coach teams and strategies to find customers.
I’ve used different avenues: marketing, sales, bricks and mortar and digital pathways, interacting with more than 15 000 people, to run 200 product launches, for 23 different brands, in 5 different markets, and 4 different groups of companies.
So, my experience in breaking new ground, habit shifts, upskilling, executing stuff and getting results is pretty extensive.
Particularly when it comes to taking action: I’ve an innate obsession with results and an acquired capacity for achieving them fast!
Which is why I would love to learn what YOU want to achieve.
And work out together how you can get there, in record time.
As you’ll soon come to realize, I have a respectfully brash disregard for convention, which has helped me learn how to break down conventional wisdom, and widely-accepted truths and see why pre-established perceptions have nested inside us.
For instance: why there are things that don’t work, and yet we still do them!
And that can be true in business and other areas of our life.
In general, I love sneaking behind the façade to see what’s there.
It’s my thing.
Sometimes I even lure out something new. Check out
my “Business Snippets” videos, were I dismantle the truths, nobody talks about online.
So, if you’re all about doing things differently, taking action, getting results, working hard, making shifts, exploring new grounds, expanding your business online, and launching an online service successfully… with a few “fun habits to live by” thrown in… I would say we’re probably a good fit.
So it’s safe to keep going!
Cleo has this rare skill to take the most complex knowledge and turn it into actionable instructions, that you can put into practice right away.
Cleo helped me execute on plans I’ve been thinking for a while now but was never able to implement concretely.
Cleo works fast and is results-driven. She insists not just on learning for the sake of learning, but on catapulting on action to produce fast results, while learning on the way.
Cleo can take any complex problem, distil it down to its key components and find the optimal solution with an economy of words, time and investment.
So, now,
the authentic-me-story
A few hints on the not-so-well-known me.
(Ok, some say they care about stuff like this)
I’ve been born in Greece and also spent long periods in
Russia, Thailand, Costa Rica, USA, Argentina and France.
I’m working on beating my own traveling record – now 99 countries –
while growing myself on the way (or growing out of my personality characteristics and -sometimes- crippling habits)
I cannot tolerate repetitive noises the way normal people do
[So, you don’t want to pop gum near me. Do you?!]
It’s a sensory processing disorder, recently scientifically named as Misophonia. It’s nothing too threatening…Darwin suffered from this. And Kafka too. [Yey me!]
I also wear earplugs almost everywhere, at work, in the street, even at the theatre.
Which is why it’s not such a surprise that I’m also known for my slightly weird taste in music ─ Punk and Chopin in equal doses; and often at the same time!
Ok. I saw your eyes roll, there.
What’s wrong? You don’t care about all this?!
Well, in that case, you might want to scroll through the info, on the links below to see “How I helped impact 72 countries, 5 continents, 15,000 touchpoints” and how I went from “launching a start-up on the side to now successfully running my own gig” and why you’d give a damn.
I also give you “little-known hints” of who I am and my “weird habits” as well as what is the “one thing I’ve never lost sight of”.
Since we haven’t met, other than online, you can choose where you want to dig more and you’ll anyways see that everything eventually will circles back to you.
I hope you also see that I’m all about taking action, breaking things down in actionable steps and working together with the people who are willing to move forward.
It’s these people who matter to me and with whom I am committed to building something truly valuable for what matters to them.
If you relate, well, then we’ll be seeing more of one, another.
Long story short: here is what I’ve done, what I do now, who I am and why you’d care.
One last thing. I didn’t become an overnight success, in case you were after any story of that kind. You won’t see me bragging about how I got from zero to a six-, seven-, eight- or nine-figure business (which is what most people do today online) ─ I don’t do it mostly because I didn’t start from zero, I have a 20 years career on my back (OK, yes, I’m older than I like to admit. Happy now?!)
I also don’t do bragging. And I’m cautious about people who do.
If you’re looking to find something entirely different:
I have thought of you, and I have three reasons you might not want to be here, even though I love your company already!
I’m direct, so if you feel that this place doesn’t speak to you, you can always well, (*clears throat*…) leave. There’ll be no hard feelings.

If you do decide to hang out here though, I’d like you to know that I’ll be sharing my experience, some hard-fought lessons, mistakes I’ve made and wins I’ve experienced ─ wins you can achieve, lessons I wished someone had told me years back and mistakes you can avoid.

You will probably not find much value here if you’re not a fast-paced and hard-working (oh and BS-immune) current and soon-to-be entrepreneur, who is in a hurry to get the result you’re after!
To get results, you must be fully invested.
And even if you aren’t quite yet, you should know that there are tons of ways to fix this.
But I’m determined that here, in this place, it’s best that we say things upfront.
If you feel ready, that’s great.
If you just feel numb, lazy or uninspired, I COULD still help you.
I just won’t.
More specifically, here are the three reasons why I’m firmly dissuading you from sticking around, although you might enjoy skimming the material I share.
Note to reader: Please don’t misinterpret my blunt tone: nothing personal, it’s just the way I write!
If you’re looking for a motivational speaker, an epiphany generator, a mindset fixer or an authenticity guru to help you “find your passion”: you won’t find value here.
Though I do not doubt that any of these concepts might work for many people, under differently defined conditions, what I believe in is setting a defined direction; establishing clear, timely objectives and FOLLOWING THROUGH.
Contrary to the extensive hype that “the Universe might do the job” instead of you, in my world, self-confidence kicks in when you start seeing your first results, and mindset is not where you start from; goals are.
You will not relate to what I share if you’re looking for “quick tips and tricks”, “productivity hacks” or think that an online business will give you a “passive income” that “will make you rich quick”.
I’m sorry to break it to you, but “101 tips and tricks” are NOT an actual strategy to get anything done.
They’re just random snippets of advice.
They’re “quick-fixes” that give you a rush when you see them. But then you just take some notes, you share them, or you bookmark them to reread in the future.
By doing so, you feel that you’ve got the treasure chest with the solutions to turn to when you need to.
Well, let me tell you something about that. They’re not solutions.
I believe more in proven patterns to build systems that work.
But they only work when you execute them, not when you know about them.
I always couple content I share with step-by-step manuals that have a proven record of getting results when you follow them.
They need work, and they need the determination to get you to the goals you have explicitly set.
So, if you’re not fully invested in working twice as hard as you thought you would, then you’ll probably be disappointed by sticking around.
If you’re not finding value or getting results from the stuff I share for free, you won’t benefit fully from the stuff I share in the more advanced and paid options.
I’m doing my best to avoid replicating what everyone else already does online.
I want to do things the right way and create material that is effective and efficient.
I’m committed to giving away my best content for free.
I’ll be giving 98% of the content I’ve painstakingly been gathering for years. And I will keep updating it, day in day out, with various subscriptions, podcasts, blogs, articles, books, online courses (free and paid). And, by working with my mentors, I’ll keep assembling more content and making it readily available to you.
To be clear, this is stuff that others charge you for, inside their courses; but I wanted to be the first to give it all to you for free!
And even then, I don’t intend to just throw it at you.
I’ll be sharing it in a systematized and actionable way, allowing you to digest it.
Even when you feel you want to pass to the next level, you’ll be required to go through the fundamentals first.
But the good news is, I won’t be making you pay AGAIN as I’ve already given it for free!
I need to stress this point.
If you haven’t gone through the fundamentals first, I’ll be asking you to do it before progressing.
It’s not a bluff.
It serves to demonstrate just how powerful and efficient the free stuff is.
It’s the foundation.
And if you’ve ever wondered what separates the greats from anyone else, it’s THIS one thing: their persistence in mastering the basics.
Keep this in mind, it’s important.
Here’s what you should expect from me
I’ll be sharing carefully crafted and easy-to-digest information with you — the best there is out there. From real experts, genuine gurus and a lot that I’ve already paid for and learned from myself.
I’ll process it first and share it with you in the most understandable and systematised way:
Videos with business snippets, free downloadable Ebooks, ready-to-use toolkits, worksheets, planners, checklists, tools and techniques, step-by-step methodologies, learning modules, practical workshops and exercises, videos and readings. In fact, everything that will help you take action.
Many people have gotten a ton of use out of these actionable tools, strategies, and methodology and are seeing real results.
And these materials will always be free.
If you’re happy with this, keep digging into more of this material, apply the advice and here is what will happen for many of you: You’ll outgrow this stuff and will seek out more.
From experience, I know that, no matter how much info you get for free, if you’re serious about getting results you will probably seek an accountability system to guide you through the process, to help you take action and get you more results, to grow further.
In this case, you will eventually want to move to the advanced paid solutions.
And I’ll be there to help you figure out what is the best course of action for you, moving forward.
Get to the results you’re after, in record time.

So, if you’re looking to expand your business or start an online business from scratch and need to filter and shape your business or idea into a product that sells online, then you’ll find what you need here.
I can show you how to grow your business online, in record time. Even if you’re starting from scratch. And even more so if you hate promoting yourself. AND especially when everything else you’ve tried has failed.
I’ll be in touch soon.